Joining Kodokan Juniors

Junior sessions are currently suspended. When we have sufficient interest, we will restart sessions on a Saturday morning.

And we are accepting applications for both adult and junior sessions. So if you, members of your family or friends are interested in taking up kendo please contact us using the link here.

The standard procedure for joining the Kodokan Juniors is to come along and watch a Saturday practice session, or even two (if still undecided), before joining the club for the 4 week induction period and progression to beginner level. 

The Dunstable Centre
Court Drive

All new members will need to complete 4 ‘consecutive’ induction sessions:

After completing the induction new members are eligible to join the regular practice sessions, which run on the same time schedule.

Kodokan Club fee structure

There is a £60 joining fee which includes, shinai – (bamboo sword), carry bag, insurance and membership booklet/grading record + £50 for the 4 induction sessions: Total £110

After the 4 week induction should the junior wish to continue then a standing order or direct debit needs to be set up to cover the monthly fee of £50 at that time.

We offer discounted fees where there are other Junior members from the same family practising, a collective fee of £70 for 2 or more members and where there is Adult(s) as well as Junior(s) then a collective fee of £80 per family.

All monthly fees are payable by Standing order or Direct Debit only.

The Annual ‘Club’ renewal for an existing member is £10.
Gradings are held every 2 months (8 weeks) this means 2nd kyu is attainable between one and a half to two years practice. Certificates are issued according to the Grade level achieved.

We operate a 12 kyu System Grading System but for gradings within the age group, 15 to 17 the Adult system of 7th Kyu levels applies and is based on a similar time frame.

Juniors wishing to grade for Ikkyu and dan grades will need to do so through the British Kendo Association. Full details are available on request.
Ideally, hakama, keikogi & zekken should be purchased around the time of the first grading.